Snow day 4/1. Click here for supplies.
Gail Beem, known for her strong use of color, is a Pittsburgh based artist whose work has been recognized both regionally and nationally.
Idea to Finished Piece—in a nut shell, this class will help the artist to further develop his/her working method— how to start, what to include, format, color palette, development to finished piece and alternatives. How does an artist begin??? From a memory, a photo, ideas from other art pieces, a favorite scene, a color palette the artist is dying to explore, morning, evening, night time, water? The world around the artist is ripe with inspiration if he/she is open to it.
Maximum class size: 16 Minimum class size: 6
(Register for the series here or for 3/11, 3/18 and 3/25 sessions separately.)
Copyright © 2010- McMurray Art